Ui Tupuna

Welcome to our Ui Tupuna page, we dedicated this space to celebrating the power of intergenerational learning. At the heart of our mission is the belief that when different generations come together to share knowledge, experiences, and perspectives, magic happens.

Intergenerational Learning

Bridging Generations, Enriching Lives


Knowledge Transfer

Legacy Preservation: Traditional knowledge and cultural practices are passed down, preserving heritage for future generations. Older generations pass down wisdom, traditions, and practical skills to younger individuals, preserving valuable heritage and expertise.


Social Connection

Interacting with people of different ages fosters empathy, understanding, and a sense of community, reducing isolation and loneliness.

Whats Included

  • Enhanced Learning: Different perspectives and experiences enhance learning outcomes for all involved.

  • Improved Well-being: Social connections and shared experiences contribute to improved mental and emotional well-being.

  • Community Building: Intergenerational activities strengthen community bonds and create a sense of belonging.

  • Legacy Preservation: Traditional knowledge and cultural practices are passed down, preserving heritage for future generations.

cooked food on black ceramic bowl
cooked food on black ceramic bowl

Healthy Meals & Snacks

boy sitting on white cloth surrounded by toys
boy sitting on white cloth surrounded by toys
person holding red chili plant
person holding red chili plant

Music, Song & Dance

Story Telling

Structured Play

Intergenerational Learning

Vegetable Garden

The Benefits of Intergenerational Learning

Join us in embracing the beauty of intergenerational learning and discover the transformative impact it can have on individuals, families, and communities. Together, let's bridge generations and enrich lives through the power of shared knowledge and experiences. Feel free to customize this text to suit the specific focus and tone of your website promoting intergenerational learning. Participants will be remunerated in exchange and appreciation for your time and knowledge.
